UPDATE ON AB 432 – Court Interpreter Workforce Pilot Program
This is an updated Action Alert for ATA members in California
Firstly, thank you to all our members who have already contacted their legislators.
Secondly, at the Appropriations Committee meeting this past Wednesday, AB 432 was placed into the suspense file due to its estimated cost. Its authors now have the opportunity to modify it before its next hearing on May 18.
Now is the perfect time to reach out to your lawmakers and tell them why this bill is too vague. Explain that they have the opportunity to clarify items that could otherwise threaten court interpreters’ livelihoods across the state and affect language access for LEP individuals.
Provide alternative solutions to the perceived shortage of certified and registered interpreters to staff the courts:
Much-needed increase in salaries
More frequent oral exams
Grants for existing, recognized, vetted training courses for aspiring interpreters
Please contact your legislators right away using the resources in our last call to action. They need to hear from you!
If you are a constituent of Assemblymembers Fong (37th District – LA County), Pacheco (64th District – Los Angeles & Orange County) or Kalra (25th District – Santa Clara County), the bill’s sponsors, you have a unique opportunity to share feedback directly with them. The same is true if your legislator serves on the Judiciary or Appropriations Committee.
It only takes a minute.
If you need any help, contact the ATA Advocacy Committee or any of its members for tips on telling your story and written samples you can use for inspiration.